
What is a landing page?

A landing page is any page on the Internet where surfers land as a result of any advertising or link on the web or through mail and SMS messages.

Landing pages are leads. Pages that have a clear and focused purpose to motivate the surfer to a certain action (buying a product / registering for a service / joining a mailing list, etc.).

Unlike regular content pages, landing pages are worded and persuasively designed, persuasive, action-driven, one that will result in as high conversion rate as possible.

The SLNG system allows you to create landing pages that are just right for your target audience.

Advanced Template Editor

A simple and advanced template editor (Drop & Drag) allows you to edit and design landing pages in a simple, fast, and professional way in minutes!

Tailor your landing page design to the needs of your target audience. You can add text, images, GIFs, buttons, and icons of social networks as well as attach and design a registration form for the purpose of registering and leaving details with the fields that are relevant to you.

Photo Editing + GIFs

An advanced photo editor with which you can design an image independently and simply.

Add a background, frame, caption to your image, change its style (vintage, black and white, etc.), resize the image, and more.

GIF file – is a visual element that looks like an image and acts as a video.

You can create a GIF file by selecting your photos, scheduling the photo exchange rate,

setting the image size and more. Add the images you have designed and created to the landing pages you have made.