
Accessibility statement

The SLNG system is committed to making its site accessible in a user-friendly and usable format, regardless of its capabilities or limitations.

The site is designed to be used by the general public. As part of this, some people will prefer to browse it using accessibility tools that facilitate the surfer’s experience, including reading with an enlarged font, highlighting links and strengthening color contrast.

This site is therefore accessible to people with disabilities in accordance with the International Accessibility Level Standard AA and within the framework of section tax. 35 of the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities (Accessibility Adjustments to the Service) Regulations, 2013. If this is relevant to you, we invite you to use the accessibility tools built into the site by clicking on the accessibility icon in the upper right corner of each page. Clicking will open a menu that will allow you to view the site in a variety of features that are accessible for your convenience. We hope that these and other tools that are currently being implemented in the site will help you navigate and manage it.

Although we have invested thought and effort in making the site accessible, mainly that the process is still in its infancy, there may be important aspects that require our attention on the subject. For this purpose, you can contact the SLNG support department and raise needs if they have a partial or missing answer on the site.

Email:   support@slng.co.il

Phone:  077-4405268

Fax:  077-5558757

We wish you a pleasant browsing of our site!!

SLNG team